Grow Kits FAQ

What are mushroom grow kits?

Mushroom grow kits are incredibly convenient packages. They contain everything you need to grow mushrooms at home, including substrate, spores, and instructions, making your journey into mushroom cultivation a breeze.

What types of mushrooms can I grow with a grow kit?

Our grow kits cater to a wide range of tastes and preferences. You can choose from various mushroom species, including oyster mushrooms and lion’s mane, each offering a unique flavour and texture.

Do I need any special equipment to use a mushroom grow kit?

You won’t need any special equipment. Our grow kits are designed with your ease in mind. They are user-friendly and require minimal additional tools or materials, such as a sharp knife and a spray bottle.

How long does it take to grow mushrooms with a grow kit?

The time it takes to grow mushrooms depends on the species and the specific grow kit. Generally, you can expect to start seeing mushrooms within a few weeks to a month.

What are the ideal conditions for my mushroom grow kit? Can it grow outside?

Each kit comes with detailed instructions outlining the best conditions for growth. They are designed to be grown indoors and do best at temperatures below 20 C, but they will still grow outside of this range. Pink Oyster mushrooms, in particular, grow well in warmer temperatures.

How many mushrooms will my mushroom kit produce?

Our Kits will produce, on average, 600g to 1 kilogram of mushrooms. With ideal growing conditions, your block could produce 2-3. To have the best chance of multiple harvests, ensure your block doesn’t dry out or reach extreme temperatures.

How long can I store my kit before activating it?

Our lion’s mane and white oyster mushroom grow kits will hold well under refrigeration for up to two weeks. Pink oysters are tropical and should be kept outside refrigeration for up to two weeks.

When do I harvest?

Typically, mushrooms signal when they are ready to be harvested by the shape of their caps. It is best to harvest them just before the caps flatten out and release their spores.

What is the ideal growing temperature?

Ideal growing temperatures are between 10 and 20C, and mushrooms can survive and thrive in higher or lower temperatures. Still, we recommend not putting your mushroom block in significantly higher or lower conditions for best results. If you want to delay activating your kit, refrigerate it for up to 30 days, except for the Pink Oyster. Pink Oysters are a tropical strain that prefers warmer temperatures and will not perform well after refrigeration. 

Is the white growth mould?

The soft white substance you see is called mycelium. Mycelium is the mushroom’s vegetative structure, allowing it to absorb nutrients.

What is this yellow juice coming out from the block?

These are byproducts of the mycelium growth process, called ‘mycelium exudates’. They are perfectly normal and harmless.

What should I do with my block after it is finished producing?

Your block will make a great addition to an outdoor garden as mulch for fruit trees or as a soil amendment. You can break up the block and spread it around the base of a tree or put it in a garden bed. With some moisture and shade, more mushrooms will likely be produced.